Conference Roundup
Contact Lenses

Cosmetic contact lenses linked to improved self-perception, survey suggests

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Cosmetic contact lenses may have a positive impact on how individuals perceive themselves, particularly in terms of confidence and satisfaction with their looks, according to a poster presented at the 2024 American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting.

In a single-site survey study, participants wore Air Optix Colors (Alcon) lenses for 1 month, at least 6 days a week, and completed pre- and post-wear surveys. The surveys assessed self-perception and included questions about eye color preferences and self-consciousness. Participants reported improved confidence and happiness while wearing the lenses, with 67% indicating they often felt positive when using them.

Although there were no statistically significant changes between pre- and post-wear responses for specific questions, over half of the participants noted increased comfort and happiness in the post-wear survey.

DeKinder J, et al.Survey of Self-perception Before and After Cosmetic Contact Lens Wear. Poster presented at: 2024 American Academy of Optometry Annual Meeting; November 6-9, 2024; Indianapolis, IN.
